OBDTesterSetup.exe - OBDTester setup program (version ?).Please use your interface serial number (characters after ELM-USB- for OBDTester and full serial number for other programs) as the username and leave password field blank (empty). OBDTester The following downloads are password protected. Order ELM-USB, an universal multi-protocol In order to establish communication link with your car you need to use Hondash Bluetooth scanner, which can be purchased at. shift-light with audio-visual indication and individual gear shift point configuration car dynamics measurement tools - acceleration (0-100 kph, etc., 1/4 mile drag run), deceleration (100-0 kph, etc.) calibration tools - fuel consumption, vehicle speed, gearbox ratios engine diagnostics tool - read and clear DTC fault codes datalogging tool - continuous recording of all parameters and car GPS position for detailed analysis configurable parameter alarm triggers (engine temperature too high etc.) Starter switch, A/C switch, A/C clutch relay, P/S oil pressure switch, brake switch, VTEC pressure switch, VTEC valve, VTEC indication lamp, A/T gear position, service check, fuel pump relay, oxygen sensor heater, oxygen sensor feedback loop status, EVAP purge control, malfunction indicator lamp, alternator control, radiator fan control, intake air bypass valveĪir fuel ratio (lambda), fuel flow, injector duty, injector flow rate, engaged gear

Vehicle speed, engine speed - revs, engine idle speed commanded, engine coolant temperature, intake air temperature, manifold absolute pressure, baro pressure, throttle position, battery voltage, oxygen sensor voltage, alternator FR, electrical load detector, exhaust gas recirculation EGR, short / long term fuel trim, injection duration, ignition advance, idle air control valve, knock, fuel system status, calculated load value configurable multiple trip monitors for keeping record of various statistics such as fuel consumption, trip time, distance, VTEC engaged distance, top and average speed, etc. fuel statistics - instantaneous and average fuel consumption, total consumed fuel and cost

Hondash is the most capable monitoring tool and virtual dash for all Honda models with OBD1/2A/2B ECUs (1992-2001) that use the proprietary 3 pin or 5 pin DLC connector. ***This app is intended for use with Hondash Bluetooth scanner***